Why is this public chain so popular? PlugChain’s killer

3 min readSep 13, 2022


After several years of development, the infrastructure of blockchain has spread all over the world, and it has achieved initial results in the fields of cross-border payment, post-transaction clearing, and supply chain finance. The concept of decentralization is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Benefiting from the social characteristics of zero marginal cost, its development can improve the overall net rate of return for participants. At present, there are still large opportunities for value mining, and there are many value depressions.

Plug Chain embraces the needs of the times and is committed to building a bridge between the Web2.0 real world and the Web3.0 world built on all blockchains, enabling all users, developers, and App/DApps in the world to quickly use Web3.0 and even create their own The Web3.0 ecosystem allows global Web3.0 participants to enjoy the dividends of the times brought about by this historic Internet revolution.

The PlugChain application system covers multiple fields and the Metaverse expands the value of the era

PlugChain adheres to the concept of DAO, takes Web3.0 traffic entry as the starting point, realizes data input and output, and data governance process through PlugChain cross-chain protocol, smart contract, big data, and AI technology, and transmits it to the world through ONP (Oracle Network Protocol) 100+ mainstream public chains are built as a bridge between the Web2.0 world and the Web3.0 world.
With the access of external projects, the public chain ecology is also becoming more and more perfect, and PlugChain will continue to actively expand various DApps. Starting from serving top-quality global DeFi projects, PlugChain has formed a diversified application ecosystem covering DeFi, NFT, GameFi, SocialFi and other fields, and finally formed the PlugChain Web3.0 application system, bringing users a combination of asset appreciation and entertainment. , social in one extraordinary experience.

In order to better empower the real economy and dig deep into the ecological value of the scene, the PlugChain application system involves games, social networking, content, consumption, and expands to more integrated online and offline production and life experiences, enabling users to enter the The era of true Internet in which thousands of industries are digitized. At the same time, PlugChain application ecology has layouts in DAO (and tools), privacy, application, storage and data, games, creator economic platform, social and other sub-tracks, covering all areas of Web2.0.

Although, the current PlugChain application system has formed a diverse ecosystem covering DeFi, tools, storage, NFT and other fields. However, in the face of complicated ecological changes, PlugChain has been adhering to the concept of “technology backward compatibility, ecological development upward”, and is committed to building a bridge between Web3.0 and the Metaverse, shortening the distance between the encrypted world and products in the Internet era. At the same time, it also allows more people to more easily access and use encrypted assets or decentralized applications in the financial field.

At present, various public chain projects emerge in an endless stream, but when more public chains are pursuing the ultimate technology, they often ignore the construction of the ecology on the chain, not to mention the empowerment of the real economy. On the other hand, the reason why PlugChain can stand out from the fierce public chain track is nothing more than the empowerment of ecological scenarios, which really promotes the development process of Web3.0.

Based on the current situation, the PlugChain application system has formed a diverse ecosystem covering DeFi, tools, storage, NFT and other fields, and is committed to building a bridge between Web3.0 and the Metaverse, in order to shorten the distance between the encrypted world and products in the Internet era. At the same time, it also enables more people to access and use encrypted assets or decentralized applications more easily in the financial field, breaking through traditional shackles and creating a new era of “decentralized” trading platforms. This is PlugChain’s trump card to stand out from the public chain!




PlugChain takes the aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol as the core, integrates the advantages of high performance, high expansion, low gas!