The dark horse of the oracle public chain! PlugChain was invited to participate「WEB3 BUILDER MEETUP」in Sydney!

3 min readFeb 11, 2023


On February 9th, “WEB3 BUILDER MEETUP” was hosted by Observe Labs in Sydney. It was an offline exchange meeting for global Web3.0 Builders. With Web3.0 as the main body, it joined hands with many leading blockchain technology practitioners to bring multi-dimensional Share forward-looking perspectives and jointly explore the boundaries of the digital economy.

As the world’s leading Web3.0 public chain ecology, PlugChain was invited to attend this Meet Up offline conference, and had heated discussions with many blockchain experts on cutting-edge topics such as “2023 Web3.0 New Trend” and “Web3.0 Application Landing”. The representative of the PlugChain ecology gave a speech on the theme of the public chain.

The value of the public chain lies in the ecology, the focus of the ecology is on the application, and the focus is on solving pain points and creating value.

As the most important underlying infrastructure of the Web3.0 ecosystem and the entire encryption industry, the public chain has always attracted the attention of investors. Under the new trend of Web3.0, innovative public chains dedicated to breaking through the technical barriers of the public chain’s impossible triangle (security, decentralization, and scalability) have emerged one after another, and many of them have potential ecology.

As a new Web3.0 public chain focusing on cross-chain and decentralized oracles, PlugChain has the advantages of high performance, high scalability, and low gas fees; based on this, PlugChain has built a rich ecosystem: Pando encrypted wallet, GxSwap to Centralized transaction aggregator, PUSD stable token, PlugChain block explorer, Very5 NFT trading platform, etc., to create a diversified ecosystem covering Wallet, SocialFi, GameFi, DeFi, NFT, DEX, Swap, etc.

In the future, with the integration of blockchain technology and business scenarios, oracles will show irreplaceable value in the next 3–5 years. As a new public chain focusing on aggregated cross-chain oracles, PlugChain builds a trusted bridge between the inside and outside of the chain, builds a value ecology that integrates with each other, starts the upsurge of the ecological transition from Web2.0 to Web3.0, and promotes Web3.0 Ecological applications landed.

As a pioneer of Web3.0, PlugChain will share the innovations accumulated in Web3.0 applications based on technology research and development, and bring cutting-edge technology interpretation and best application cases to Web3.0 builders. Explore the cutting-edge ideas in SocialFi, GameFi, DeFi, Metaverse and other fields, and lead the consensus to explore the most “hard core” Web3.0 innovation road.




PlugChain takes the aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol as the core, integrates the advantages of high performance, high expansion, low gas!