PlugChain supports “cross-chain + oracle”, leading the trend of the metaverse

4 min readNov 11, 2022


Web2.0 is like a backwater without data, and so is Web3.0. Obviously, the biggest obstacle in the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 is the data channel.

Realizing the transfer of Web2.0 data to Web3.0 has become an important issue to promote the development of Web3.0. With the emergence of oracles, these problems are easily solved. Open up the information exchange of each independent blockchain, and make cross-chain technology an important track for research in the field of blockchain today. Public chains focusing on different fields have emerged one after another, and mainstream public chains such as Polkadot, Cosmos, BSC, Solana, Chainlink, PlugChian, Aptos, and Sui have entered the public chain stage.

Among them, PlugChian, as a public chain focusing on the aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol, can not only solve the data channel problem, but also help global users to lower the threshold of Web3.0 participation, spread the value of Web3.0 in the form of DAO, and promote the development of Web3.0 Dividends benefit more participants.

With the arrival of the metaverse era, PlugChain’s mission is on its shoulders

On the basis of Web3.0, human beings can gradually enter the metaverse civilization. 2021 is the first year of the Metaverse. On the basis of digital assetization, human civilization has entered the era of the Metaverse: In the world of the Metaverse, people can switch their identities anytime and anywhere, freely travel between the physical world and the digital world. Study, work, make friends, shop, travel, etc. in the “metaverse” composed of time nodes.

Based on distributed ledgers, Web3.0 realizes the disintermediation of the access process through a new decentralized DNS root domain name governance system, making the reality and digital space better integrated. Metaverse, a virtual world built on the blockchain, can only allow everyone to enjoy ownership and autonomy through the Web3.0 decentralized platform, and share the Metaverse open platform ecology.

With the mission of “Building Web3.0 and opening a new journey in the Metaverse Era” and the value of “Joining Hands to Innovate and Create the Future”, PlugChain is committed to developing various cross-chain technologies, promoting the process from Web2.0 to Web3.0, building the whole universe DAO ecology. PlugChain will build a global public chain open platform by building an aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol, and build a world-leading new Web3.0 system with its advanced concepts and advanced technologies.

With rich application ecology, PlugChain opens up a zero-threshold Web3.0 world for global users

PlugChain is committed to building a bridge between Web2.0 and Web3.0 through the aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol, starting from the Web3.0 traffic entry, and creating the world’s leading Web3.0 ecosystem. PlugChain advocates that everything is born for Web3.0 applications, and any Internet user can directly access Web3.0 through PlugChain without any centralized platform.

In order to gather Web3.0 traffic and open Web3.0 to users all over the world, PlugChain presents it with zero threshold. Users can freely roam among multiple platform applications in PlugChain’s entire Web3.0 ecosystem, without being restricted by any platform, and enjoy the massive functions of various DApps. Metaverse, NFT, DeFi, GameFi, and public chain application scenarios tend to mature, and objectively form a global market for digital asset value exchange.

With the advent of the Web3.0 era, driven by distributed technology represented by blockchain, from the decentralized point-to-point ledger experiment to the decentralized smart contract platform, countless new applications (DApps), DeFi, GameFi, have been born. Digital “financial services” are formed, NFT accelerates the on-chain of assets, and users are getting closer and closer to a digital world that integrates and thrives.

So far, people are calling for a brand new online world — the metaverse, which can credibly carry personal social identities and assets, and the community has stronger dominance. Metaverse will create a closed-loop economic system where any data-related contributions can be traced through the blockchain, and with native digital currency incentives, the entire value transfer will be unimpeded, regardless of time, place, or platform.

In 2022, the wave of product innovations such as DeFi, NFT, Metaverse, and Gamefi will continue to be promoted. The crisis of traditional centralized trading platforms will continue to increase, and global users will put forward new demands for financial production relations. The concept of “value decentralization” is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. , creating a new wave of digital asset trading platforms. PlugChain is a time to connect the world with a new technology that will break through the upper limit of traditional blockchain services and open a new era of “decentralization”.




PlugChain takes the aggregated cross-chain oracle protocol as the core, integrates the advantages of high performance, high expansion, low gas!