New journey, PlugChain’s official wallet Pando upgrade

3 min readSep 24, 2022


On September 21, PlugChain official Cosmo Wallet was officially renamed Pando. This wallet brand upgrade not only brings new visual effects to users, but also makes wallet interaction smoother. In the future, we will continue to optimize product functions and design, improve product experience, and provide users with better encrypted digital asset management services.

Pando is a decentralized multi-chain wallet officially launched by PlugChain that supports multi-currency and multi-account. As an important entrance to the PlugChain public chain ecology, Pando is an important component of the PlugChain ecology. It was officially renamed from Cosmo Wallet to Pando. With the efforts of the technical team, Pando has become more functional and smoother in operation, thus making it more convenient for users, Experience Pando more friendly.

From the function point of view, Pando is constantly innovating and upgrading, and it is playing a more and more important role. At first, Pando only gave basic functions of asset management such as management authority, transfer and payment. Today, Pando can not only provide users with functions such as currency exchange, Token creation, and PlugChain browser display, but also allow users to enjoy value-added services such as DeFi, Staking, and cross-chain bridges.

The number of Pando users continues to grow, with a maximum of 50,000 downloads per day. Pando supports mobile APP (Android) and PC (Chrome plug-in version). Currently, it has been launched on Google App Store, supports global users, and has provided services for more than 130,000 users.

Thanks to PlugChain’s combination of multiple encryption technologies and cross-chain technologies, it can provide features such as high throughput, low latency, and high security that are unmatched by blockchains with a single-chain structure. unique advantage. Pando is a decentralized wallet with local storage of private keys, physical isolation, and multi-layer algorithm encryption to ensure data security. The private key and other information generated by the Pando wallet system are strictly encrypted, and the data is backed up to multiple places in real time, and segmented physical isolation and multi-lock backup are performed. While ensuring operational efficiency, data security is maximized. Therefore, the security of Pando is unquestionable, providing the most secure guarantee for PlugChain community users.

In addition, Pando supports multi-currency business. Pando supports PRC and all currencies of PRC-10 and PRC-20, and supports more than 20 mainstream public chains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, Tron, Fantom, and Cosmo Wallet. Pando supports proposal voting to allow users to deeply participate in the PlugChain ecological construction.

Pando will provide users with more secure, convenient and intelligent blockchain asset circulation services, aggregate global high-quality blockchain assets, integrate global cutting-edge security technologies, and strive to build the world’s leading encrypted digital asset wallet. Pando will continue to develop, innovate and upgrade, improve security, make users feel more at ease, and continue to improve functions to make users more comfortable!

In the end, let’s talk about the meaning behind Pando:

Pando, the largest organism on earth, has lived on earth for 80,000 years, weighs more than 30 times that of a blue whale, and weighs about 6,000 tons. It is also the oldest living creature in the world.

Pando’s scientific name is Populus tremuloides, also known as American aspen, golden aspen, etc., which means a forest. It mainly lives in the Fish Lake National Forest Ranch near Highway 25 in Utah, USA. Unlike other trees, it has a very large root system. Like the genetically identical triplets, the roots of the Populus trembling are genetics, which are very rare in plants.

Pando forest is a kind of clonal plant, the stems of Populus tremuloides are all separate, can grow lateral roots, these lateral roots can extend to the ground, from the surface, each tree is independent, more than 40,000 trees are There are 40,000 independent individuals, but in fact these more than 40,000 trees are developed from a single seed, and the roots of each tree are connected to each other underground.

That’s why it appears to be genetically identical.




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