In-depth analysis of the value of For Metas: creating the imagination of GameFi2.0!

8 min readJan 12, 2023


Foreword: As early as 2017, the world’s first GameFi “CryptoKitties” was launched, which opened the NFT+ chain game. Two years later, with the rise of the P2E model, it opened a new path for GameFi. Its masterpiece “Axie Infinity” is even more popular in In 2021, with the explosion of GameFi’s popularity, it will become the world’s most lucrative mobile game in one fell swoop. Coincidentally, at the beginning of 2022, “StepN” became the hottest application in the encryption field in the first quarter, with daily active users exceeding 300,000 in 4 months!

But behind GameFi’s seemingly beautiful scenery, there are still bloody capital and human greed. Throughout the entire history of GameFi, there has not been a long-term game, and some are just different Ponzi schemes. The entire GameFi has not created real value for Crypto, but various replicas continue to appear. I couldn’t help asking: Is there no room for GameFi to develop?

The answer is: the road is long and difficult, and GameFi is still full of imagination, because someone sowed the seeds of dreams in the soil of GameFi.

For Metas is committed to building the world’s largest Web3.0 platform under the extreme deflation model. Covers multiple ecological Dapps such as GameFi, metaverse, social, live broadcast, AR/VR, etc. In short, For Metas is committed to becoming the Steam of the Web3.0 era. This article analyzes from three perspectives: game platform, game ecology, and economic model.

01. The ideal form of For Metas: Steam of Web3.0

The For Metas protocol works similarly to Steam. Users can participate in games on the platform, and developers can develop games on the For Metas protocol platform. According to official information, the For Metas team plans to launch and incubate 10–20 new games every year, among which Glory Land is the first step in For Metas’ game matrix.

In addition, as a GameFi aggregation platform, decentralized financial products, DeFi rule gamification, and game props NFT will also be included in the For Metas ecosystem, which plays a very important role in the ecological scene!

Different from traditional GameFi, For Metas focuses on playable games, and as a content partner, provides game developers with a complete set of services and compliance services such as blockchain, token design, and community promotion. At the same time, For Metas has successively launched live broadcast, social networking, AR/VR and other functions to better improve the ecology, which also provides more valuable circulation applications for For Metas’ ecological token $4MW and NFT.

In order to reward players, For Metas will integrate a series of optimized revenue strategies through smart contracts, accelerate the frequency of value exchange, seek the best revenue strategy for users, and promote more value enhancement. In addition, the For Metas income guild enables users to earn income by participating in various GameFi vaults, lending game items to other players to earn income, and tokens can also bet on other players’ game items to earn income.

In addition, the NFT mining mechanism gives users more asset rights and application value, and can participate in For Metas’ farming aggregator to optimize and provide the best income strategy through smart contracts. NFT will also be used as the first model of For Metas token mining. Compared with direct token mining, it increases the operating cost of early speculation and avoids the problem of capital smashing encountered by many GameFi, resulting in a sharp drop in token value.

In order to enrich the gameplay and continue to enjoy the rights and interests of P2E, For Metas changed the pricing and appreciation logic of the game NFT by introducing various methods such as the card combination system, the hang-up system, and the pledge system, so as to improve the durability of the game and make the game break through the boundaries and cover more Applications.

However, for the early For Metas, these are still early, and for the For Metas ecological construction is still in the early stage, attracting users and improving platform stickiness are its primary considerations.

02. Glory Land: For Metas GameFi’s touchstone

Judging from the official information, For Metas is building a Web3.0 platform covering diversified application scenarios. In the short term, GameFi will be the core of For Metas’ focus. Glory Land is also known as the highlight of For Metas layout GameFi.

As an IDLE game, For Metas not only has a beautiful game screen, but also has a rich built-in gameplay, including development, cards, strategies and other elements. In terms of game characters and gameplay design, Glory Land has a total of seven different races, each of which has its own special skills. Different races determine the tasks, attribute configurations, and equipment stunts that characters are good at. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the ranking of characters in the battle to increase the probability of winning.

In addition, Glory Land officials will release missions and activities from time to time. Different tasks have different rewards, and you can choose to join different teams to complete gold mining tasks in different ways. These include the main storyline, and players advance as they level up. Although as the difficulty of the later game of Glory Land increases, the corresponding rewards will also be abundant. Join the guild to receive guild tasks and get NFT and personal BUFF bonus rewards.

The gameplay of Glory Land’s NFT is also worth mentioning. Glory Land’s hero cards are NFTs, which are divided into 11 qualities: M, N, R, R+, S, S+, SR, SR+, SSR, SSR+, and UTR. The higher the quality of NFT, the higher the combat effectiveness. Users with high-quality NFTs can get more NFTs and higher game revenue through more advanced levels. Glory Land’s NFT has three attributes: NFT can be upgraded through synthesis.

NFT has rich gameplay: it can be used for trading and mining. In this way, the game mode of NFT is greatly enriched, and it seems to be more interesting compared with NFT in mainstream GameFi.

It should be noted that although the NFT card has the characteristics of STM (synthesis, transaction, mining), if you want to synthesize an NFT with these characteristics, you need to consume the underlying NFT with the same characteristics. If the underlying NFT used for synthesis cannot be traded or mined, the newly synthesized card cannot be used for trading or mining.

From another perspective, analyzing the overall gameplay logic of Glory Land, you will find that Glory Land players can enter the game by casting or purchasing cards for free, and consume $4MW in the process of breaking through the level to obtain NFT fragments. The fragments can be used to synthesize blind boxes. Players It can be traded on the secondary market. Due to the mining performance of the card, players can choose to directly pledge for mining or upgrade the card by consuming prescribed cards in the game, etc., to obtain higher pledge income and pass the level faster, whether it is a synthetic blind box or an upgraded card. NFT cards can be sold directly in the trading market on the website.

In terms of game design, Glory Land has its own characteristics. It releases GameFi’s gameplay through NFT as a carrier, including traditional gameplay such as card upgrades, collecting props through checkpoints, and game unions. At the same time, it combines the diversified gameplay of NFT mining in GameFi not original. The game playability and profitability of Glory Land are bound to be better than other mainstream GameFi. After the game is launched, it can be known through the test of the market.

03. $4MW Economic Model: Token $4MW+NFT

$4MW is the only token issued by For Metas, with a total of 500 billion pieces issued on the BSC chain. On the surface, For Metas is a single token economic governance model.

But in the For Metas ecosystem, there are two underlying financial media: $4MW and NFT, platform token $4MW and various application NFTs. As the only token of the For Metas platform, $4MW is the fuel that drives the For Metas ecosystem and the only medium for Dapp usage, platform consumption and rewards, including $4MW for in-game consumption, equipment purchase, upgrade consumption and other application scenarios .

NFT is used as an asset in each application in For Metas. The NFT issued by For Metas has the following characteristics: limited sale for a limited time; users use NFT in the app and produce NFT; NFT can be used to stake mining $4MW. In short, the relationship between $4MW and NFT, players need to spend $4MW to upgrade NFT, NFT can be used to pledge $4MW, and players can also make profits by trading NFT.

Therefore, in this model, the upgrade of NFT will promote the consumption of $4MW, and the value of the upgraded NFT will also increase in value. In turn, you can get more tokens by staking NFT or sell NFT at a high price in the secondary market to earn income! In essence, For Metas replaces the traditional token production token by adopting the NFT production NFT model. Through this economic model, an internal economic cycle is formed among players, and there is no need to rely on the growth rate of new players to maintain it like the “inflationary” model. What’s more worth mentioning is that the NFT issued on For Metas has the attribute of secondary use scenarios. For example, the NFT of a game can be used on a game released on another platform. This makes the NFT of For Metas not only have many usage scenarios and in addition to its practical value, it is endowed with the dimension of collection and value-added.

The P2E model for games on For Metas is different from other GameFi as there is no $4MW of output from any game on the platform under any circumstances. The subtlety of this economic model is that old users win NFTs by playing games, and new users need to buy these NFTs from old users to start their games.

As a result, regular users gain income by trading the NFTs won in the game, continuously improve their level in the game, and synthesize more advanced NFTs, so as to obtain more NFT rewards for selling arbitrage. Since the purchase of NFT requires the use of $4MW, the price of $4MW will rise as the demand increases, thereby attracting more new users to enter the game. This will form a reasonable commercial closed loop and realize Play-to-Earn in the true sense.

However, it should be noted that $4MW at the level of 500 billion is not a small amount. What is its production cycle? How many people will participate? How strong will the subsequent deflation mechanism be? More importantly, whether For Metas can launch explosive GameFi like StepN to attract users, and many other issues such as sustainable operation of the platform are also risks that investors need to evaluate.

Conclusion: In general, For Metas combines GameFi, SocialFi and NFT, and solves the problems of poor playability and unsustainability in GameFi through a platform model. For Metas is not the only game aggregation platform currently on the market, but it does have something to praise in terms of functionality and token model. As more and more users join, GameFi will also usher in its own 2.0 era. GameFi platforms like For Metas will become the main frontier for users and game developers to unleash their potential.




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