Congratulations to PlugChain for achieving the remarkable milestone of surpassing 10,000,000 blocks in the blockchain height.
PlugChain block height has exceeded 10,000,000!
We extend our gratitude to all the nodes, users, developers, and community members who have contributed to the network and community.

Thank you for all your efforts and contributions to this network and community.
Let us look forward to more exciting milestones in the future!
About “block height”:
“Block height” refers to the numerical identifier of a block. To illustrate with an example of a ledger, suppose we have a ledger with 100 pages, and we want to view the contents of page 50. In this case, the “block height” of that page would be 50. Therefore, “block height” serves as the latitude and longitude of the blockchain, providing a coordinate for each block. By using block height, we can accurately describe the position of a block on the chain.
It is important to note that the Bitcoin wiki describes the genesis block as follows: “A genesis block is the first block of a block chain. Modern versions of Bitcoin number it as block 0, though very early versions counted it as block 1.” This means that in modern versions, the genesis block of Bitcoin is assigned a block height of 0 (although it was initially counted as block 1 in early versions).